Saturday, May 9, 2020

Cebu - January

So, I admit... it's been a pretty horrible year for running for me.

I started out strong. Thought I was going to be training hard. I had the Cebu City Marathon in January, and that's the last organized race I have done. It's mostly due in part to the fact that COVID-19 started spreading around and has caused many organized events to be postponed or cancelled. I know that's an excuse, but... well, I haven't completely STOPPED running. I still go. I've been getting into the double digits for my mileage for the last few weeks, granted it's the low double digits, but... still! 

Anyway, I'm doing more calisthenics and plyometric type of exercises. I can successfully do 1-2 pull ups!! It's an accomplishment I never though I'd get to complete!!!

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