Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rock N Roll Las Vegas

So, here comes another marathon.
This is not my favorite course, I hate flat! AHH
Am I ready? NO
Did I even try to prepare? Well... no.
Am I gonna hate myself the day after? Most liiiiikely.

HOWEVER, I might change over to the half, because... excuses. I know, I know. I just have been in and out of Honolulu every month because of my grandfather. His condition was worsening and before he passed, I tried to spend as much time with him as possible. My running in Hawaii is also very different from my running in Vegas, and the distractions in my life lately have really taken a toll.

Went through a pretty significant change that put a huge dent in my mindset, initially, but I'm finally getting back on track. Slowly, but surely. I'm actually set on trying to do other things besides just running. It's a pretty huge step and I hope that I can hold myself to it.

My cousin Jonathan is actually coming out to run the Half Marathon so, I may just decide to downgrade, and suck it up. We are also going to Paris to run the marathon during my birthday week next year! It'll be my first time traveling internationally to run, so we'll see how that goes. I traveled to Portland to do my first out of state marathon with him, and he's always down for an adventure so I'm excited.

Speaking of... I should go and register now.

The Starting Line